Brenda Starr is a retired R.N. and retired U.S.A.F. veteran. She is an American Descendant of Slaves. Raised a Jehovah’s Witness, she never attended church, never celebrated holidays, did not pledge allegiance to the flag, or vote. She is a product of public housing, redlining, segregation, discrimination, and sub-standard education. She admits to social amnesia regarding American Descendant of Slave (ADOS) issues until the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin, she realized that if she had social amnesia, then many others in her community have it too, Pressed but Not Crushed addresses many of the social and political issues confronting ADOS. 

She has jumped into the fray with other racial equality activists to help promote equal justice, housing, education, social resources and opportunity for American Descendants of Slaves. She also wants those who suffer from social amnesia to become aware and educated regarding political and social issues as they affect American Descendants of Slaves.


The storms of adversity, hurling, whirling crashing through my life, refining me in preparation to fight the good fight.

In the shadow of the Almighty in whose secret place I dwell, the strength of His Majesty speaks “It is well”.

The blood of Christ has set me free. God said His grace is sufficient for me. Though I have been through many trials and tribulations, Jesus remains and will always be my vindication.


When I am weak, then I am strong, I mount up with wings like eagles singing “a brand-new song”.

As the storms of adversity continue to rage, I recognize the Lord Almighty as my only Sage. Adversity has pressed but not crushed my soul, a new creature in Christ emerges whom God has made whole.